PrimeCenter 2.6

Releasing PrimeCenter 2.6

October 11, 2023

Enhance your prepress workflow 

Caldera has announced the release of a new version of PrimeCenter, its job preparation and nesting software. Version 2.6 brings a range of improvements to enhance user experience and flexibility, making it an excellent tool for professionals in the digital printing industry. 

What’s New in PrimeCenter 2.6 

Highlights of this new version include the support of ZCC4 drivers and several improvements to increase operator flexibility. Read the complete changelog on HelpDesk for more information.

Update your PrimeCenter 

Starting from version 2.6, PrimeCenter updates must be done through CalderaDock, Caldera’s software & license management application. 

CalderaDock serves as the central hub for managing all Caldera software and licenses. It simplifies the update process, ensuring users can easily install and update their software from a centralized, secure interface. Accessing resources and keeping your software up to date has never been more convenient.  

Download CalderaDock on our customer portal

Get started with PrimeCenter 

Contact us to get a custom demo with our specialists!